Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Holistic Approaches Of Weight Management With Type 2 Diabetes

Holistic Approaches to Weight Management with Type 2 Diabetes Cynthia Lewis American College of Health Care Sciences Abstract Weight management is key to avoiding the onsite of chronic disease and illness. Currently in the United States and globally, obesity and Type 2 diabetes are on the rise and are near epidemic proportions. Nearly 1/3 of Americans are overweight and 1 in 3 have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (CDC, 2015). Therefore, it is essential that all health practitioners understand the options available when helping clients and patients learn how to not only adjust to a diagnosis of diabetes, but also to understand how to lose weight and keep it off. Several holistic approaches are described in this paper that can help compliment the conventional medical plan for weight management and Type 2 diabetes. Nearly 80% of Americans use herbal medicine and 38 % use some form of Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) in addition to their medical care (U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2015). Holistic care addresses not only the weight management issues, but also restores balance to all as pects of the person. Holistic Approaches to Weight Management with Type 2 Diabetes Currently in the United States, Type 2 diabetes is becoming a major, chronic illness that is affecting 1 in 3 Americans (CDC, 2015). One of the primary actions an overweight person must do is lose weight and reduce their BMI. This seems like a simple matter of calories inShow MoreRelatedThe On Health Care Delivery1606 Words   |  7 Pagesbeing a National Health Priority Area (NHPA), and PHC will be expounded using the â€Å"Five A’s Framework† of The Australian National Preventative Health Agency (Harris, 2012). 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